Plumbing SOS: 7 Preventive measures to avoid a plumbing catastrophe

Imagine you’re just returning home from the perfect holiday. You’re still in a great mood and feel like life couldn’t get any better. You happily jiggle your keys and open the door, only to find your home water-logged and emitting a rotten stench. Not only has your holiday ended with a rude shock, but you now also have to deal with an unprecedented plumbing disaster. 

Plumbing issues can escalate from being a ‘mild annoyance’ to ‘grade A catastrophe’ in a matter of mere minutes. However, a few minor precautions can help you deal with most plumbing problems. Here are a few preventive measures you can take to avoid a plumbing catastrophe: 

  1. Replace old pipes: Premium quality pipes should ideally last for 30 to 40 years, without any trouble. However, if your pipes were installed before you moved into your property, you may find it difficult to assess the quality of your pipes. We highly recommend that you contact a professional home maintenance company in Dubai, who will replace your pipes and ensure that they function smoothly. 
  1. Shut off main water outlets when you’re away from home: This is an absolute prerequisite, especially if you are going away for prolonged time periods. Even a small leak can lead to massive damage to structure and household items if left unchecked for long. Shutting off your main water supply will prevent the occurrence of such incidents. 
  1. Clean your kitchen sink with hot water: Residue from food particles, oil and grease can gradually clog your kitchen sink. While it may be tempting to use chemical drain cleaners, the acidic nature of these chemicals, may lead to corrosion of the pipes and cause more harm than good. A simple homemade remedy of baking soda, vinegar, and boiling water can work wonders in dissolving the gunk in your kitchen drain. 
  1. Unclog your bathtub periodically: It can be pretty unpleasant when the water in your bathtub fails to drain quickly, and you are left standing in a puddle of your own dirty bathwater. Fortunately, most bathtub clogs that are caused by soap residue or accumulation of hair in the drain can be unclogged with a plunger. If, however, the plunger does not seem to do the trick, it may be helpful to have the number of a trusted plumbing services in Dubai at hand. 
  1. Fix those dripping taps: While a leaky tap may not seem to be a significant issue at face value, it could be an indication of faulty and corroded pipes. Such pipes may burst without warning, leading to expensive home repairs and potential flooding. 
  1. Keep an eye out for an unexplained drop in water pressure: A sudden change in water pressure from your pipes should set out alarm bells. While it could just be a municipal issue, low water pressure could also be caused due to an undiagnosed leak, mineral residue build-up or a faulty part. 
  1. Look out for leakages in your toilet: A leak or a clog in the toilet is the last thing most people want to deal with. If you suspect a leak in your toilet, there is an easy method to test it out. Add some food coloring dye by opening your toilet tank lid. Do not flush for about 20 minutes. If you see the food color trickle into your toilet bowl, you know you have a leak that needs to be inspected. 

If you intend to tackle a plumbing issue by yourself, here are a few pointers that may come in handy:

  1. Always ensure that the main electrical supply has been turned off, before you undertake any plumbing work. 
  2. Make sure you have all the plumbing tools you need before you begin work. Searching for tools on a wet floor is far from the ideal scenario. 


However, water and electricity can be hazardous elements when they come in contact. This is why it is always better to contact professional service providers rather than attend to the job yourself. Should you have any questions on handling plumbing related problems, feel free to reach out to the Stargate team on xx for top-notch solutions to all your plumbing needs.

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